The Power of Online Booking Systems for SMEs

Discover the essential benefits of online booking solutions for SMEs in various industries. Streamline your appointment management, enhance customer satisfaction and say goodbye to missed appointments.

Understanding Portable POS Terminals

Orderman Handhelds

CCR Systems, your reliable EPOS system supplier, offers the NCR Orderman range as a comprehensive tableside ordering solution for your bar or restaurant. Mobile handhelds are long-lasting and user-friendly equipment for hospitality professionals.

How to Choose an EPOS System for Your Restaurant

Restaurants have specific requirements for how they use an electronic point-of-sale system as a key ingredient for their daily operations. Make sure the restaurant EPOS system you choose has all of these features and more, from using it as a communication tool between front-of-house and back-of-house to splitting bills and accepting tips. Restaurant EPOS systems […]

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